How to start the first semester successfully
You can find lots of helpful tips on Startdenker*in - our page for first-year students.
Here are some tips for getting started:
Uni e-mail account
At the beginning of your studies at the University of Wuppertal you will be assigned your own e-mail account (studentnumber@uni-wuppertal.de). This is necessary for registering on the various platforms. Please use this email address if you need to contact university staff.
Important general information from the university or the faculty will also be sent to this e-mail address. So please check it regularly! If you have any questions or problems, the ZIM will be happy to help you.
You can find everything you need in StudiLöwe, from course catalogs and registration to printing semester tickets. You can find a quick guide on how to use it here and in the FAQ.
Moodle is the learning platform of the BUW. The courses of the winter semester 2024/25 are mostly offered as Moodle courses. The Moodle courses can be found in the StudiLöwe course catalogue. The Fachschaft has set up its own Moodle course for information about studying and sharing documents. This video on the BUW Youtube channel shows how to use Moodle.
The preliminary course for students of chemistry and food chemistry takes place as a block course from 09.09. to 27.09.2024. Information on registration and implementation can be found in the Moodle course "Vorkurs Mathematik für Studierende technischer Fächer und der Chemie (Herbst 2024)".
Digital support for your studies. In the Chemiebaukasten you can ask the tutors (student assistants) your questions about the lectures and exercises. Every day there is someone there to help you with a different topic. You can get access to the rooms from your lecturers in the Moodle courses of the lecture.
Helpful Links and Informationen
...can be found on the pages of our student body, on the pages of the ZSB and on Startdenker*in - the new page for student orientation.
Current information about studying in our department can also be found in our FAQ section.
Videos and tutorials can be found on the university's Youtube channel.
Campus App
The app helps you to find your way around the campus and offers the possibility to search for canteen menus, people, rooms, books, news, timetables, etc. more about the App
Guided campus tour
The campus tours are offered on several dates in August and September on Tuesdays and Thursdays, each at 12:00 p.m. More information can be found on the website of the Central Student Advisory Service.
Who helps with orientation?
At the beginning of the semester from 07.10. - 11.10.2024, the student body will provide various offers during an orientation week. You can find more information in the first semester letter that the student council will send you shortly before the start of the semester.
Program of the orientation week in the winter semester 2023/24