Mass Spectrometry

Building V, Level 08, Room 35 (V.08.035)
Frau Ilka Polanz
Frau Simone Bettinger
For routine investigations a TOF-MS spectrometer with LC coupling is available in the department
- Bruker micrOTOF with Liquid Chromatograph Agilent 1100 Series
Further spectrometers are operated by the individual research groups in the Analytical, Organic, and Physical Chemistry.
Mass spectra are supplied free of charge for members of the department.
Requests from other departments or from outside the university should be addressed to
Dr. A. Kotthaus
Samples for MS measurements have to be delivered with properly filled request form (pdf) in V.08.035.
Results may be downloaded from the adress
For user name and password please contact the mass spec office in V.08.035.
Here you will find further information on the mass spectrometer Bruker micrOTOF